Distillation / Columns

Separation of chemical components is often achieved by using distillation or evaporation. De Dietrich Process Systems has designed such equipment for many years within the QVF brand of our integrated business while the De Dietrich glass lining brand has designed and built many distillation columns over the years.
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Distillation overheads for Production

Distillation top with coil heat exchanger and internal reflux separators for vessels of up to 2,500 liters.

Distillation top with shell and tube heat exchanger and external reflux separator for vessels above 630 liters.

Distillation columns with controlled reflux condition for concentration with random packing or DURAPACK. Distillation top with phase separator for azeotrope mixture. Optional interconnection of phases.





De Dietrich Process Systems manufactures distillation columns in glass and glass lined steel and structured packing and column trays in glass. A common combination for maximum corrosion resistance is a glass-lined steel column packed with glass structured packing.

We also design and supply Distillation columns in other materials when supplied as part of our turnkey process systems.





Evaporation is a common activity and we have a range of thin film evaporators for heat sensitive materials as well as the more basic heated vessels with condensers and receivers...




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