Multiprobe® Sampling System

The exclusive design of the MultiProbe system allows a perfectly representative sample to be "captured" in the very heart of the reaction process
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The easiest way to take a representative sample without opening the manway!


Once installed, the MultiProbe is immediately operational without need of further adjustment. Its design facilitates its installation on small reaction units. Its compact over-all dimensions make it possible to be integrated in a congested peripheral environment.

The MultiProbe is able to fully clean the entire sampling circuit with the use of an appropriate solvent.

The ability to take a truly representative sample with no need to depressurize the vessel or lose the insert atmosphere makes this product ideal for chemical and pharmaceutical processes where contamination is usually an issue during sampling.

  • Installation on nozzle sizes from DN50 (2”) to DN300 (12”)
  • Vessel volumes from 75L (20 gallons) to 37,000L (10,000 gallons)
  • Functions: sampling, baffle effect, process temperature measurement, process measurement

The MultiProbe has two safety measures:

  • A nitrogen overpressure inside the baffle avoiding any product penetration in case of leakage.
  • A bottle detection which inhibits all the functions in case the bottle is not in place.


  • Representative Samples

The sample is perfectly representative of the product as it is taken in the very heart of the reaction process. It does not undergo any physical or chemical alteration during its transfer to the flask.

Thorough rinsing of the sampling circuit eliminates any risk of cross contamination.

  • Minimized Downtime

The sampling is quick and representative. It is not necessary to reduce the pressure in the reactor or to open the manhole and therefore no loss of gaseous inerting: the gain in time offered by the sampling baffle as compared to any other sampling method gives a real increase in term of productivity and quality.

  • Health and Safety Benefits

Sampling is done without any risks for the operator as he will never be in contact with the product. By keeping the manhole closed, it optimizes your environment protection and your products.

  • Process Control

Sampling can be carried out at any time of the process, under any condition, from high vacuum to high pressure, guaranteeing a permanent control of your reactions.

  • Multipurpose Functionality

Baffling, temperature measurement and sampling can all be carried out by one device, freeing up spare nozzles for other duties.

  • No Additional Support

The control cabinet has a compact design and is mounted directly on the baffle without any need of an additional support.

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