Powder handling

Powder handling and containment are critical aspects of pharmaceutical and chemical processes. In addition to conveying powder in an efficient way, there is also the need to keep the product free from contamination as well as keep the operator free from exposure to the product, especially when hazardous media is involved.

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Our three main areas of expertise in powder handling are

  • Transfer Solutions

De Dietrich Process Systems' multipurpose powder transfer solutions are designed to handle a range of applications, from rigorous, high purity pharmaceutical applications to the bulk requirements of the chemical industry. The Powder Pump is the basis of our transfer capabilities: this technology maximizes your product handling safety, effectively preventing cross contamination and improving the cleanliness of your facility.

  • Bulk Handling Solutions

Charging and discharging process equipment with powder is an essential and regular industrial operation. During production it is invaluable to be able to fill and empty a wide range of receivers. Each process or package has different handling requirements, making flexible integration critical. De Dietrich Process Systems' bulk handling solutions provide the flexibility needed to manage your process needs in a safe, productive and contained manner.

  • Powder Handling Services

De Dietrich Process Systems offers a range of comprehensive services, giving you support throughout the life of your equipment. Our range of services includes project management, process engineering, controls (PLC/Pneumatic), validation (FAT/SAT), testing, seminars, demonstrations and more.


In order to design the best solution, De Dietrich Process Systems have equipment available for trial on customers sites, as well as testing facilities in several countries (USA, UK, India…).  Please contact us.







Questions? We are here to help.
If you'd like to talk with a sales representative about purchasing De Dietrich Process Systems's products and services, you can reach us here.
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